Insidious advertising tactics can be found in many online platforms,
where companies use clever strategies to subtly promote their products
or services without the user even realizing it.

For example, when scrolling through social media feeds, users may come
across posts that seem like genuine recommendations or personal
experiences, but in reality, they are paid advertisements disguised as
organic content. This insidious tactic can make it difficult for users
to distinguish between authentic recommendations and promotional
material. (例えば、ソーシャルメディアのフィードをスクロールしている時、実際には有機的なコンテンツに偽装された有料広告であるような、本物のおすすめや個人の経験のように見える投稿に出くわすことがあります。この陰険な戦略により、ユーザーは本物のおすすめと宣伝素材を見分けるのが難しくなるかもしれません。)

On the other hand, gratuitous advertising can also be a nuisance to
users. This includes excessive pop-up ads, auto-playing videos with
loud sound, and intrusive banners that cover the entire screen. Users
often find these ads disruptive and annoying, as they provide no value
or benefit to their online browsing experience.

Insidious: 陰険な
Gratuitous: 理由のない、無償の



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