The use of artificial intelligence in autonomous vehicles is a
precursor to a major revolution in transportation. By implementing AI
technology, vehicles can analyze real-time data and make intelligent
decisions on the road. This not only improves safety but also enhances
efficiency and reduces congestion. Autonomous vehicles equipped with
AI can navigate through traffic, avoid accidents, and optimize routes,
making transportation more reliable and convenient. With the rise of
AI, the need for manual intervention in driving becomes redundant.
precursor to a major revolution in transportation. By implementing AI
technology, vehicles can analyze real-time data and make intelligent
decisions on the road. This not only improves safety but also enhances
efficiency and reduces congestion. Autonomous vehicles equipped with
AI can navigate through traffic, avoid accidents, and optimize routes,
making transportation more reliable and convenient. With the rise of
AI, the need for manual intervention in driving becomes redundant.
Precursor: 先駆者
Redundant: 冗長な、余分な
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